Recap: Our Meeting of July 23rd, 2013

Considering the extended spell of fine weather we’ve been enjoying lately it was only appropriate that our theme for the evening was “The Beach Boys & Sounds of Summer”. Both the musical welcome and the casual summer attire worn by most of the 17 attendees immediately put us in the mood.

During warm-up President Martin S invited us to share our fondest summer memory, and in her musical Table Topics Perrine asked four hand-picked candidates to explain the story and meaning behind some well-known summer hits.

After the break Steve gave us a recap of aviation history, from the seminal efforts of the Wright Bros all the way to the Airbus A380, large enough to host 50 Toastmaster meetings (Project No 3, ‘Organise your speech’). Next, Martin E skillfully used effigies of a Neanderthal and a carrot to tell us about some of mankind’s most important innovations and their impact on history (Advanced manual ‘Speaking to inform’). Jazzmin then took us on a magnificent tour of her second home South Africa, which came in the form of a slide show that included images of the Big Five and the Little Five (Advanced manual ‘Speciality speeches’).

A memorable summer evening was rounded off by slices of delicious, juicy watermelon kindly provided by René. The cool, laid-back style of our TM of the Evening Christian was very appropriate for the occasion. Much fun was also had at the usual informal aftersession at Mario’s.

August 13th –> next MITC club meeting
November 15th – 17th –> “District 59 Fall Conference” in Budapest

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