How to complete your member survey on Easy-Speak

This page will give you some information on how to fill out your member survey on Easy-Speak. Getting this information is very important for our club so that we can really go into the direction that the members would like to go.

Therefore, we are interested in your interests, goals (regarding Toastmasters and elsewhere). Also you will an evaluation section in the survey where we would really like you to give feedback and suggestions on your experience.

So here is the how-to (you can view the pictures in full size if you click on them):

Step 1:

How to log on to Easy-Speak - our meeting management software and more




Go to Easy-Speak and log-in

1a. Go to


1b. Enter your username and password

1c. Click login

(If you do not know your password anywhere, but still your username and the e-mail you used, you can click “I forgot my password” – you have received an e-mail by when your account was created – it contains these details. If you do not have these, get in touch with a club officer.)


Step 2:

Select our club



Select your club

It is possible that you do not need this step, if you have never been to another club, but a lot of us have been to the German club. If you cannot perform the next step, do this step!

In the top left menu, click on our club name “Mannheim International Toastmasters Club”







Step 3:

Complete the member survey


Go to the Member Survey

In the menu on the left, click “Complete Member Survey”.










Step 4:

Enter your survey data You are now on the survey page.

Please answer all questions to the best of your ability to help us help you!

Use the buttons with “High Interest” – “Some Interest” – “Low Interest” to indicate your preferences.

Important: Click the save button to save your results! You can save at any time!

2 Replies to “How to complete your member survey on Easy-Speak”

  1. Moin JP, moin Martin,

    danke, dass ihr euch die Mühe gemacht habt, diese Umfrage zu erstellen und zu promoten. Ich werde sie gleich mal ausfüllen! 🙂

    Beste Grüße

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